Day in the city...
Went for a trip downtown today. Took the ferry from Half Moon Bay and ended up at the Ferry Building in Auckland. Then I explored Queen St., the main drag. Stopped by a few hostels to see if I could find any good deals on cars...After the bus ride home today (1 hour and 15 min!), I have no doubt left about buying a vehicle. Anyway, went ahead and stopped by STA Travel and booked my spring break trip. Will fly from Auckland to Queenstown in the South Island (where they filmed Lord of the Rings and Narnia), spend a week in the South Island, making my way back up to Christchurch where I will then fly to Sydney, Australia, for a week. Yes, I'm going to Australia. Good thing I have 2 weeks for spring break.... Actually got a pretty good deal on the whole itinerary. The first place wanted $900 NZ (and they are supposed to be discount travel!) and then I went to STA and the total amnt was $700NZ (a little less than 500 US--not bad). I will be staying (hopefully, Jeannette?) with a friend in Sydney--or maybe at least with friends of friends.
Will go into school tomorrow. Called yesterday and my contact person was not back at the school, yet, but she called today and so I will go in tomorrow to meet everyone and get acquainted before I officially start next Tuesday (Monday is yet another holiday!). Think this girl I met on the plane, Sarah, who is from San Diego, CA, and I will take a weekend trip to Rotorua. She is an au pair and her host family has a cabin there that we may be able to use... We'll see. It's about a 3 hour drive from here.
Hm. I like it here. But miss you all, of course!
Fush and Chippies!

HAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sand and butt cracks. That's funny...
Ferry to Auckland City

Aidan dropped me off here at the ferry. Caught the ferry to Auckland City and then took the bus back home...all by myself. Still haven't gotten lost yet!
outside on the patio

There's a nice set of clotheslines, too. Bridge thinks it's funny that I was so excited by them.
my bathroom

Love this tub. There's a little "shelf" for your head. And look how clean my bathroom is. Can I bring it back to GA with me?
just press hash
Okay, "hash" is the word for "pound" on a keypad. You know, this sign right here: # Yeah, that's what they call hash. Found out when I was trying to learn how to set the alarm system. This house is really nice and clean. I will show you. Anyway, today I'm just sitting around catching up on some reading for my independent study course. I went for a jog this morning. Didn't get lost (although I brought along a map so would've been a little pathetic had I lost myself), but I was pretty happy with that. It's kind of cloudy today but still really warm. I'm making friends with the cat, Snowy, even though you all know I am NOT a cat person. But, I kind of like her cuz she does her own thing and I do mine. We have this understanding, you know. She's not a snuggler, so we're cool. I kind of like having her around, actually. I respect her independence, and she mine. It's a good thing we've got going.
I was thinking of getting out today and exploring the city but I'm here alone at the house, and I've realized I haven't had a day to relax in quite some time now. I decided I'd just stay in, enjoy the quiet, and get some laundry done. In a minute I'll cook up some brown rice (which Bridge thinks is totally odd--"How do you get used to that?") and chicken. Okay, you can tell I've got a little too much time on my hands today cuz I am telling you about my completely uneventful lunch.
I'll go now. The cat is knocking. Tried to call Mom and Dad, but nobody was home. Where are you guys? Okay, EMAIL ME, PEOPLE!!!

Me and my guitar

Having a "barbie"

a view from the twisties :)

Piha on Auckland Day

At Snapper on the boardwalk with Bridge, Me, Dee, Simon, and Aidan (and Jo who is taking the picture)
Chilis and capsicums
I am slowly learning the language of the Kiwis. Last night I went out to eat down at the shore with Aidan and Bridge and three of their friends. Great little Indian/pizza restaurant right down on the boardwalk. Apparently, the capsicums on the menu that I thought were mushrooms are not--they are, in fact, green peppers. We had a really fun time--A & B and their friends are nice and hilarious. Then we let off fireworks on the beach in celebration of Auckland Day, which is today--a national holiday although no one seems to know why... :)
Also went out and bought groceries yesterday. Needless to say, my flatmates seem to think I'm somewhat health-crazed. Bridgette, however, wants to try out the boxing gym with me!
Today we got up and went to downtown Auckland for a bit. Then, we went to Piha, which is a beautiful beach area just outside of Auckland, although technically still part of Greater Auckland. Was about an hour's drive. They are volcanic, black sand beaches, and I'm going to try to upload some photos so you can see them. Am taking some breathtaking photos and I've only been here two days! We went for a swim in the ocean--bloody cold!--and then we got back in the cars and drove around to a shady, grassy area for a "barbie." We had barbecued chicken sausages and sizzlers (sausages with cheese in the middle). Oh, and a chili is the Kiwi term for cooler.
We also drove by my school, Kedgley Intermediate, this morning. Still closed for the summer break--plus, today is a national holiday. I'm hoping the teachers will be back by the end of this week so I can meet them and get situated before the students come back next week. The school is not too far from here, but by bus it would take some time. Am still looking for a used car, although Aidan is a mechanic, which is obviously a plus. He's going to help me look for a car and has also pretty much guaranteed that he will buy it back from me at the same price, since he can then fix it up and probably make money off of it. Fine by me!
Thanks so much for all the emails! I've read them all and promise to write back when I can. I've got to go get some reading done for an assignment that is due tomorrow--although technically I have the benefit of being a half day ahead of you all. By the way, I think the difference is 19 hours--not 18 like I had thought--so it is 7 p.m. here and 2 a.m. there (but, again--yesterday!).

No more airplanes!
Arrival in Auckland
Well, I made it. Arrived in Auckland yesterday. Beautiful airport--made it through customs quickly. The customs officer laughed at how different my passport photo looked from my actual appearance (especially since it's a brand new passport!)... I laughed and said, "Yeah, well, I get bored." "Don't we all?" She chuckled... Anyway, my flatmate, Bridgette, (yes, flatmate--I'm learning how to speak like the Kiwis) was there at the airport waiting for me. As we approached her car, I went to enter on the front right side. "Are you going to drive?" she laughed. Of course, we're in New Zealand! The passenger seat is on the left side... Anyway, she and I came back to the house and I met her husband, Aidan, my other flatmate. Both of them have strongly recommended that I buy a cheap car while I am here because Auckland is so spread out. The more I ride around with them, the more I think they are right. We are going to try to look for a cheap used car this week before I have to start school. May have to take out another loan, but what's one more...? Anyway, I'll save the money on bus fares, trains around the country on the weekends, I suppose, and I can sell the car back when I leave. I'll have to get used to driving on the other side. We looked at a car which had a manual transmission, but I realized that driving a manual will be doubly difficult since I'll have to learn to switch gears with my left hand. Think I'll stick to an automatic.
Yesterday, Aidan and Bridge took me for a ride around the countryside. SO beautiful. Very pastoral. Went to look at the used car and then out for chicken at Red Rooster. I was starved.
Auckland is like most big cities. It's pretty spread out, though, but quite developed. Today we went to a mall so I could buy a coffee press--I won't do instant this time (three years in Latin America was enough instant coffee for me). So, here in Auckland, there are malls, big buildings, etc., just like any city in the U.S. Apparently, though, this is the most diverse area. The countryside and the South Island are pretty much inhabited by European descendents. Here in Auckland, there is a vast array of different cultures. I like that. I can't wait to start teaching. Bridgette warned me that my students, who will be Maori and Pacifika, are probably going to be fairly large (as in big-boned) and somewhat unruly. "Oh," I said. "I taught in the Bronx for three years." Then she didn't think I would seem to have a problem. I can't wait to meet them.
Tomorrow is a national holiday so Aidan and Bridgette are off from work. Aidan is going to go surfing with a friend, so Bridgette and I are going to tag along and go for a swim in the ocean and lay out on the beach. Don't think my one surf lesson in Maui will be enough experience for me to brave the waves here just yet. Maybe before I leave...
Miss you all.