Sunday, March 26, 2006

Point Break

Well, I have been absolutely slack about keeping up with this here blog over these past 2 weeks. Things have gotten busier at school and I just got a little behind (HA! No actually it's never going to be little but that's okay--yes, pun intended). Anyway, school has been stressful but manageable. I struggle with the inability to experiment with different instructional strategies due to the nature of the school's structure as well as my situation as both a student teacher and an international visitor. Keep having to remind myself that I am not here to do action research but to fulfill a certification requirement. However, being "me" means trying to make as much MEANING out of everything as possible, which can be a little exhausting but I guess in the long run it's both a defect and an asset. (Aren't they all?) In the meantime, I teach what I'm told to, how I'm told to, and maintain highly professional and respectful relationships with my colleagues. (Omigod, I am getting old...)

The kids are good, but oh do they try and try to push the limits in ways that you would not believe. That's adolescence for ya, but some days are just seriously exhausting. However, tough as they may be, the kids are never the toughest part of the job for me. It's the lack of freedom--for whatever reason (school structure, standardized curriculum, behavior, etc)--to be able to teach the lessons that would be the best ones for these particular students. I think I might need to try, though. Maybe after I get my PhD I will become head of the science dept at some progressive lower income middle school where I can help design the curriculum. Options...

Anyway, what else? My flatmates are absolutely lovely. I am going to miss them. They are so fun and we hang out a lot. This weekend we and one of their friends went to Raglan, which is one of the prime surfing spots in the world. We left Saturday and stayed the night in a lovely backpackers (hostel) which had hammocks and free kayaks and really nice and clean rooms. Cute place. Only problem was we got there too late to hit the beach on Saturday and then Sunday it was RAINY and COLD, but you know I was the only damn one who went surfing in spite of it all (oh yea--cuz I had already paid for the morning's surf lesson). I ended up (once again) getting my butt kicked by a few good waves, although they were apparently very small (the waves, not my butt) compared to the usual day in Raglan. Then the instructor said that I should try to catch the big ones right after they've broken instead of right before. Oh. Duh. That way the wave doesn't come crashing down on top of me? Cool. I must've inhaled several liters of salt water, and I mean inhaled. Cough cough. So, it was all a little bit scary but fun. And now I can say that I've surfed two of the most "radical" surf spots in the world: Maui and Raglan. Hey, I never said I did it gracefully...

Other than that I've just been shopping (can't help it--there was a HUGE sale at the outdoor adventure store here last Thursday and I got to shop on the preview day cuz I am a club member or whatever), boxing boxing boxing, and watching stupid television. Have you seen the show Invasion? Aliens!!!! They're all aliens!!!!

I finally bought some books, tho--5 for $20 at the local Whitcoul's (like Walden's). Must wean myself off of the stupid TV.



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